Katie and Brianna: Heterosexual Life mates

photo We're not gay but we're meant for each other, baby

Monday, April 24, 2006

I know this is out of order...

Dear Katie,
I know it isn't my turn to post, but as you know, I met my hero tonight, and I have to tell the world, or at least the part of the world that reads our blog. (Shit, that sentence had a lot of clauses!) Anyway, tonight's edition of Broin' Out was extra special because the guest was none other than Janeane Garofalo. She was well spoken, intellegent, and super cute; everything I had built her up to be. The best part is that after the show, I made her laugh! I made a famous comedian laugh! Now, all I have to do is meet Seth Green and convince him to marry me. Then, my life will be complete. Happy and complete.

I was so excited that I didn't even worry about avoiding a double chin shot!

Friday, April 14, 2006

You'd punch me in the face...

Dear Katie,
Last night was a HUGE success! We raised two hundred dollars for Gilda's Club! You, and all the other performers were amazing. I want to thank everyone who helped out and Kid Dervin and Mailer Daemon for coming all the way out to Brooklyn to perform. Hopefully, we can do more of these things in the future. I guess improv really can make a difference. The next time I am playing an alien/robot/bride, I will think about the larger good that I am doing for humanity. Hooray!

Monday, April 10, 2006

i'm promoting the shit out of this!

Comedy For A Cure!

Scotchatory Tape
Kid Dervin
And the Upright Citizens Brigade's own Mailer Daemon!

Thursday, April 13
Time: 8:00pm - 9:30pm
Location: No Name Gallery, Pratt Institute Dorm,
215 Willoughby Ave, Brooklyn NY 11205

Admission is free, with suggested donation. All proceeds go to Gilda's Club.

Come out and help support Cancer Research and Great Improv Comedy all at the same time!

If you have any questions or you need directions hit me up at: katiecheek@hotmail.com